Tuesday 13 September 2011

Configure a Jumpstart Server in Solaris

Today i configured a Solaris Jumpstart Server for my project. We were having only one Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 DVD which came with a T3 server and frequent installation requirements were coming, So i thought of configuring a Jumpstart server.

Below are the steps in detail configuring a Jumpstart Server.We can divide it in 6 steps.

1. Spool the operating system image.
2. Edit the sysidcfg file.
3. Edit the rules and profile files.
4. Run the check script.
5. Run the add_install_client script.
6. Boot the client.

In detail with the output lets see...

 Spool the operating system image.

When you use the Solaris 10 CD-ROM,use the setup_install_server script to spool the Solaris 10 OS image from the Solaris 10 OS Software 1 CD-ROM and use the add_to_install_server script to spool the Solaris 10 OS image from the remaining CD-ROMs.


When you use the Solaris 10 DVD source media, you are using the setup_install_server script to spool the Solaris 10 OS boot image and complete installation image to disk.


The spooled image also contains the add_install_client script that lets you configure boot and installation support for specific JumpStart clients.

Below are the steps to spool os image from DVD to local disk

1)Create a directory with at least five Gbytes of space available to hold
the Solaris OS image

# mkdir /export/install

2)Insert the Solaris 10 OS DVD in the DVD drive

3)Change the directory to the location of the setup_install_server

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_10/Tools

4)Run the setup_install_server script to copy the Solaris 10 OS
boot and installation images to the local disk

# ./setup_install_server  /export/install

5)once after completion share this file.

# vi /etc/dfs/dfstab

share -o ro /export/install


Edit the sysidcfg file

JumpStart clients use information in the sysidcfg file to answer identification questions
Folowing things should be mentioned : netmask,IPv6 networking, IP, security policy,
  name service, time zone, system locale, initial time-of-day, root password

The sysidcfg files that contain client-specific information must exist in separate directories: eg:/export/config/client1/sysidcfg

Below are the steps to Edit the sysidcfg file

1)Create a directory to hold the sysidcfg file. Typically the
/export/config directory holds the sysidcfg file

# mkdir /export/config/client1

2)Change the directory to /export/config/client1, and create a file called
sysidcfg using a text editor for a client1.

# cd /export/config/client1

# vi sysidcfg

3)In the sysidcfg file, add the following lines

network_interface=hme0 { primary
root_password=Hx23475vABDDM (encrypted form)


Edit the rules and profile files

In order to provide configuration services, the JumpStart server provides  a rules.ok file that allows the JumpStart client to select a profile file

The rules file enables groups of clients with the same characteristics to be grouped together as a class. Consequently the profile file is frequently referred to as the class file.

The profile file must contain all the information normally provided during interactive installation about the disk partitioning and the software selection for the JumpStart client

When a client finds an entry in rules.ok that it matches, it uses the profile associated with that entry

Entries in the rules file conform to the following syntax:

[!] match_key match_value [&& [!] match_key match_value]* begin profile finish
eg:hostname client1 - profile1

match_key : its a keyword and can be hostname, model, arch,
   installed, network,domainname, karch, totaldisk,
   disksize, or memsize

match_value : The value (or range of values) selected by the system
     administrator for the match_key

begin : The name of a begin script. This is a Bourne Shell script
to be run before the installation is started. Use a (-) to
indicate that no begin script runs

profile : The name of the profile (class) file.

finish : The name of a finish script. This Bourne Shell script
runs after the installation is completed. Use a (-) to
indicate that no finish script runs.


Below are the steps Edit the rules and profile files

1) Create a directory to hold the rules file if this directory does not already exist. Usually, the /export/config/client1 directory holds the
rules file.

# mkdir /export/config/client1

2)Change the directory to /export/config, and create a file called rules using a text editor

# cd /export/config/client1
# vi rules
3)In the rules file, add the following line. For client_name, substitute the name of your JumpStart client

hostname test1 - profile1 -

4)Create a file called profile1 by using a text editor

# vi profile1

Add the following lines to the profile1 file:

install_type  initial_install
system_type  standalone
partitioning  explicit
filesys  c0t0d0s0 20000 /
filesys  c0t0d0s1 15000 swap
filesys  c0t0d0s3 10000 /export/home
cluster  SUNWCXall


Run the check script

The check script validates the syntax of the rules file and the profile files. If the validation completes successfully, the check script creates the rules.ok file

Below are the steps to run the check script:

1)Change the directory to the location of the check script

# cd /export/install/Solaris_10/Misc/jumpStart_sample

2)Copy the check script to the /export/config directory

# cp check /export/config/client1

3)Change the directory to /export/config, and run the check script

# cd /export/config/client1

# ./check
  Validating rules...
  Validating profile profile1...
  The custom JumpStart configuration is ok.


Run the add_install_client script

The add_install_client script configures the boot server to provide the network boot services that JumpStart clients require and must be run from the directory where the installation image or boot image resides

Run the add_install_client script only on the server that provides the boot image

edit the /etc/inet/hosts and /etc/ethers files on the boot server, and add a JumpStart client entry to each file

Below are steps to run add_install_client

1)Edit the /etc/inet/hosts file and /etc/ethers file, make entries for the client.

# vi /etc/inet/hosts  test1

# vi /etc/ethers
8:0:20:10c:88:5b test1

2)Edit the /etc/dfstab file and share /export/config in read only mode

# vi /etc/dfs/dfstab

share -o ro /export/config/client1

2)Change the directory to the location of the add_install_client script on the server

# cd /export/install/Solaris_10/Tools

# ./add_install_client -c server1:/export/config/client1 -p server1:/export/config/client1 test1 sun4u

saving original /etc/dfs/dfstab in /etc/dfs/dfstab.orig
Adding "share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /export/install" to /etc/dfs/dfstab
making /tftpboot
enabling tftp in /etc/inetd.conf
starting rarpd
starting bootparamd
starting nfsd's
starting nfs mountd
updating /etc/bootparams
copying inetboot to /tftpboot



1) got to OK prompt

# init 0

2)boot with net.

ok boot net - install 

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