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Saturday, 10 December 2011
solutions for solaris,backup and storage: CREATING CLUSTER FILE SYSTEMS IN SUN CLUSTER 3.2
solutions for solaris,backup and storage: CREATING CLUSTER FILE SYSTEMS IN SUN CLUSTER 3.2: This article is a useful article explaining creation of a new mount point to a solaris box running Sun Cluster 3.2. Cluster versions 3.1 an...
solutions for solaris,backup and storage: CREATING CLUSTER FILE SYSTEMS IN SUN CLUSTER 3.2
solutions for solaris,backup and storage: CREATING CLUSTER FILE SYSTEMS IN SUN CLUSTER 3.2: This article is a useful article explaining creation of a new mount point to a solaris box running Sun Cluster 3.2. Cluster versions 3.1 an...
This article is a useful article explaining creation of a new mount point to a solaris box running Sun Cluster 3.2.
Cluster versions 3.1 and 3.2 are almost the same with the exception of few commands that has changed. Below its explained in a step by step procedure.
1) Check format command and verify the no. of disks.
root@PEVDB061 # echo |format
Searching for disks...done
0. c5t5000C5000FCCB363d0 <SUN146G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 848>
1. c5t5000C5000FCE4E9Fd0 <SUN146G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 848>
2. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Cd0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-7002 cyl 544 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
3. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Dd0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
4. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Ed0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
5. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Fd0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
6. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000150d0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
7. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000151d0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
8. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000152d0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
Specify disk (enter its number): Specify disk (enter its number):
2) After mapping the new LDEV from storage (Here we are using a hitachi VSP storage) to the server make the LUN visible in the server by following commands. Make a note of the LDEV ID thats been allocated to the host as this can help to find the disk from format command(here the LDEV ID is 0252).If the OS is running a Solaris 9, we will have to reconfigure the controller by "cfgadm -c configure Cxx" after executing " devfsadm " command, in solaris 10 we dont have to reconfigure the controller as it will detect by its own. Still if the luns are not visible, try reconfiguring the controller.
root@PEVDB061 # devfsadm -Cvv
root@PEVDB061 # devfsadm
root@PEVDB061 # cfgadm -al
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c0 scsi-bus connected configured unknown
c0::dsk/c0t0d0 CD-ROM connected configured unknown
c1 fc-private connected configured unknown
c1::210000008742b8eb disk connected configured unknown
c1::210000008742cecb disk connected configured unknown
c4 scsi-bus connected unconfigured unknown
c5 scsi-bus connected unconfigured unknown
c6 scsi-bus connected unconfigured unknown
c7 scsi-bus connected unconfigured unknown
c8 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c8::50060e8006d3e320 disk connected configured unusable
c9 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c9::50060e8006d3e330 disk connected configured unusable
usb0/1 unknown empty unconfigured ok
usb0/2 unknown empty unconfigured ok
usb0/3 unknown empty unconfigured ok
usb0/4 unknown empty unconfigured ok
root@PEVDB061 # cfgadm -c configure c8
root@PEVDB061 # cfgadm -c configure c9
root@PEVDB061 # echo |format
Searching for disks...done
0. c5t5000C5000FCCB363d0 <SUN146G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 848>
1. c5t5000C5000FCE4E9Fd0 <SUN146G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 848>
2. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Cd0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-7002 cyl 544 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
3. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Dd0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
4. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Ed0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
5. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Fd0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
6. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000150d0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
7. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000151d0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
8. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000152d0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
9. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000252d0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-7002 cyl 27304 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
Specify disk (enter its number): Specify disk (enter its number):
3)Check if the new LDEV from storage is visible at the server end from format command and if its there format the disk to sun format with slice 2 containing the whole disk format(This will be helpful later..) and create a new file system on the disk with "newfs" command(which is not mandatory).
root@PEVDB061 # echo |format |grep -i 0252
c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000252d0: configured with capacity of 97.99GB
15. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000252d0<HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-7002 cyl 27304 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
root@PEVDB061 # format /dev/dsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000252d0
(put the entire space to s0 slice)
root@PEVDB061 # newfs /dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000252d0s0
4)Now comes the interesting part, We are going to add this disk to cluster part and mount it as a new mount point.Please see the below steps for that:
Add the new device to Cluster did devices and update the globaldevices. Please do it on both the cluster nodes.
root@PEVDB061 # scdidadm -C
root@PEVDB061 # scdidadm -r
root@PEVDB061 # scdidadm -c
root@PEVDB061 # scgdevs
Configuring DID devices
Configuring the /dev/global directory (global devices)
obtaining access to all attached disks
5)Now check if the devices got reflected in the cluster did devices.The command "scdidadm -L " will display the devices of both the nodes
root@PEVDB061 # scdidadm -l
1 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000252d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d1
6 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t5000C5000FCCB363d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d6
7 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t5000C5000FCE4E9Fd0 /dev/did/rdsk/d7
15 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000152d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d15
16 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000151d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d16
17 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000150d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d17
18 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Fd0 /dev/did/rdsk/d18
19 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Ed0 /dev/did/rdsk/d19
20 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Dd0 /dev/did/rdsk/d20
21 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Cd0 /dev/did/rdsk/d21
root@PEVDB061 # scdidadm -l |grep -i 0252
1 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000252d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d1
6) Once the disk is visible in did devices of both the nodes, add the disk into the metaset
root@PEVDB061 # metaset
Set name = EVD-DG, Set number = 2
Host Owner
PEVDB061 Yes
Drive Dbase
d15 Yes
d16 Yes
d17 Yes
d18 Yes
d19 Yes
d20 Yes
root@PEVDB061 # metaset -s EVD-DG -a /dev/did/rdsk/d1
root@PEVDB061 # metaset
Set name = EVD-DG, Set number = 2
Host Owner
PEVDB061 Yes
Drive Dbase
d15 Yes
d16 Yes
d17 Yes
d18 Yes
d19 Yes
d20 Yes
d1 Yes
7) Once the disk is added to metaset, Please check for which all are the metadevices under metaset thats been created earlier,
root@PEVDB061 # metastat -s EVD-DG -p
EVD-DG/d100 1 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d17s0
EVD-DG/d300 1 4 /dev/did/rdsk/d16s0 /dev/did/rdsk/d18s0 /dev/did/rdsk/d19s0 /dev/did/rdsk/d20s0 -i 512b
EVD-DG/d200 2 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d17s1 \
1 /dev/did/rdsk/d15s0
8) Create a new metadevice with the name d400 with the disk thats added to metaset and create a new file system
root@PEVDB061 # metainit -s EVD-DG d400 1 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d1s0
EVD-DG/d400: Concat/Stripe is setup
root@PEVDB061 #metastat -s EVD-DG -p
EVD-DG/d400 1 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d1s0
EVD-DG/d100 1 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d17s0
EVD-DG/d300 1 4 /dev/did/rdsk/d16s0 /dev/did/rdsk/d18s0 /dev/did/rdsk/d19s0 /dev/did/rdsk/d20s0 -i 512b
EVD-DG/d200 2 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d17s1 \
1 /dev/did/rdsk/d15s0
root@PEVDB061 # newfs /dev/did/rdsk/d1s0
newfs: construct a new file system /dev/did/rdsk/d1s0: (y/n)? y
9) Take the name convention to be given for the new mount point (Here i am going to give it as /s1/evd/oradata02). Add the entry to /etc/vfstab file in both the active and passive nodes. This should be done without any mistake else we cant add this mount point to cluster resource. The entry should be like the below;
/dev/md/EVD-DG/dsk/d400 /dev/md/EVD-DG/rdsk/d400 /s1/evd/oradata02 ufs 2 no logging
10)Now try mounting the new mount point after creating the directory.Change the permissions of owner and group according to the user who is going to use the mount point.
root@PEVDB061 #mkdir -p /s1/evd/oradata02
root@PEVDB061 # mount /s1/evd/oradata02
root@PEVDB061 # df -h
Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on
/dev/md/dsk/d30 20G 12G 8.0G 60% /
/devices 0K 0K 0K 0% /devices
ctfs 0K 0K 0K 0% /system/contract
proc 0K 0K 0K 0% /proc
mnttab 0K 0K 0K 0% /etc/mnttab
swap 26G 2.0M 26G 1% /etc/svc/volatile
objfs 0K 0K 0K 0% /system/object
sharefs 0K 0K 0K 0% /etc/dfs/sharetab
fd 0K 0K 0K 0% /dev/fd
swap 26G 18M 26G 1% /tmp
swap 26G 120K 26G 1% /var/run
/dev/md/dsk/d33 88G 1.6G 86G 2% /app
/dev/md/dsk/d32 9.9G 458M 9.3G 5% /export/home
/dev/md/dsk/d34 477M 3.8M 426M 1% /global/.devices/node@1
50G 11G 38G 22% /s1/evd/oraarch
16G 6.4G 9.2G 41% /s1/evd/oracle
131G 102G 27G 79% /s1/evd/oradata01
/dev/md/dsk/d35 485M 3.9M 432M 1% /global/.devices/node@2
5.3G 2.9G 2.4G 55% /swat
98G 100M 97G 1% /s1/evd/oradata02
11) This server is running a 2 databases and now is the last and important part- Adding the mount point to the cluster hasp resource. This is done inorder to switch all the data base mount points from one resource to another.This will work only if the vfstab entries are correct in both the servers.Please see the command for that.
root@PEVDB061 # scstat -g
-- Resource Groups and Resources --
Group Name Resources
---------- ---------
Resources: pevd-rg PEVD pevd-hasp-rs pevd-db-rs pevd-lsnr-rs bor3-bo-rs
-- Resource Groups --
Group Name Node Name State Suspended
---------- --------- ----- ---------
Group: pevd-rg PEVDB061 Online No
Group: pevd-rg PEVDB064 Offline No
-- Resources --
Resource Name Node Name State Status Message
------------- --------- ----- --------------
Resource: PEVD PEVDB061 Online Online - LogicalHostname online.
Resource: PEVD PEVDB064 Offline Offline
Resource: pevd-hasp-rs PEVDB061 Online Online
Resource: pevd-hasp-rs PEVDB064 Offline Offline
Resource: pevd-db-rs PEVDB061 Online Online
Resource: pevd-db-rs PEVDB064 Offline Offline
Resource: pevd-lsnr-rs PEVDB061 Online Online
Resource: pevd-lsnr-rs PEVDB064 Offline Offline
Resource: bor3-bo-rs PEVDB061 Online Online
Resource: bor3-bo-rs PEVDB064 Offline Offline
root@PEVDB061 #/usr/cluster/bin/clresource set -p FilesystemMountPoints=/s1/evd/oraarch,/s1/evd/oracle,/s1/evd/oradata01,/s1/evd/oradata02 pevd-hasp-rs
Its done baby...Simple.....Now when you get a downtime on this server or when some maintenance activity comes, Please check switching the resource from active to passive server.This will work.
The cluster activities can be done from the GUI also, but i am sort of person who hates little mouse.... and love to work with keyboard.
Cluster versions 3.1 and 3.2 are almost the same with the exception of few commands that has changed. Below its explained in a step by step procedure.
1) Check format command and verify the no. of disks.
root@PEVDB061 # echo |format
Searching for disks...done
0. c5t5000C5000FCCB363d0 <SUN146G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 848>
1. c5t5000C5000FCE4E9Fd0 <SUN146G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 848>
2. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Cd0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-7002 cyl 544 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
3. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Dd0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
4. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Ed0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
5. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Fd0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
6. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000150d0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
7. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000151d0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
8. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000152d0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
Specify disk (enter its number): Specify disk (enter its number):
2) After mapping the new LDEV from storage (Here we are using a hitachi VSP storage) to the server make the LUN visible in the server by following commands. Make a note of the LDEV ID thats been allocated to the host as this can help to find the disk from format command(here the LDEV ID is 0252).If the OS is running a Solaris 9, we will have to reconfigure the controller by "cfgadm -c configure Cxx" after executing " devfsadm " command, in solaris 10 we dont have to reconfigure the controller as it will detect by its own. Still if the luns are not visible, try reconfiguring the controller.
root@PEVDB061 # devfsadm -Cvv
root@PEVDB061 # devfsadm
root@PEVDB061 # cfgadm -al
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c0 scsi-bus connected configured unknown
c0::dsk/c0t0d0 CD-ROM connected configured unknown
c1 fc-private connected configured unknown
c1::210000008742b8eb disk connected configured unknown
c1::210000008742cecb disk connected configured unknown
c4 scsi-bus connected unconfigured unknown
c5 scsi-bus connected unconfigured unknown
c6 scsi-bus connected unconfigured unknown
c7 scsi-bus connected unconfigured unknown
c8 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c8::50060e8006d3e320 disk connected configured unusable
c9 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c9::50060e8006d3e330 disk connected configured unusable
usb0/1 unknown empty unconfigured ok
usb0/2 unknown empty unconfigured ok
usb0/3 unknown empty unconfigured ok
usb0/4 unknown empty unconfigured ok
root@PEVDB061 # cfgadm -c configure c8
root@PEVDB061 # cfgadm -c configure c9
root@PEVDB061 # echo |format
Searching for disks...done
0. c5t5000C5000FCCB363d0 <SUN146G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 848>
1. c5t5000C5000FCE4E9Fd0 <SUN146G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 848>
2. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Cd0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-7002 cyl 544 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
3. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Dd0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
4. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Ed0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
5. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Fd0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
6. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000150d0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
7. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000151d0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
8. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000152d0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-5009 cyl 9064 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
9. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000252d0 <HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-7002 cyl 27304 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
Specify disk (enter its number): Specify disk (enter its number):
3)Check if the new LDEV from storage is visible at the server end from format command and if its there format the disk to sun format with slice 2 containing the whole disk format(This will be helpful later..) and create a new file system on the disk with "newfs" command(which is not mandatory).
root@PEVDB061 # echo |format |grep -i 0252
c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000252d0: configured with capacity of 97.99GB
15. c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000252d0<HITACHI-OPEN-V-SUN-7002 cyl 27304 alt 2 hd 15 sec 512>
root@PEVDB061 # format /dev/dsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000252d0
(put the entire space to s0 slice)
root@PEVDB061 # newfs /dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000252d0s0
4)Now comes the interesting part, We are going to add this disk to cluster part and mount it as a new mount point.Please see the below steps for that:
Add the new device to Cluster did devices and update the globaldevices. Please do it on both the cluster nodes.
root@PEVDB061 # scdidadm -C
root@PEVDB061 # scdidadm -r
root@PEVDB061 # scdidadm -c
root@PEVDB061 # scgdevs
Configuring DID devices
Configuring the /dev/global directory (global devices)
obtaining access to all attached disks
5)Now check if the devices got reflected in the cluster did devices.The command "scdidadm -L " will display the devices of both the nodes
root@PEVDB061 # scdidadm -l
1 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000252d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d1
6 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t5000C5000FCCB363d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d6
7 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t5000C5000FCE4E9Fd0 /dev/did/rdsk/d7
15 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000152d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d15
16 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000151d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d16
17 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000150d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d17
18 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Fd0 /dev/did/rdsk/d18
19 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Ed0 /dev/did/rdsk/d19
20 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Dd0 /dev/did/rdsk/d20
21 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E30000014Cd0 /dev/did/rdsk/d21
root@PEVDB061 # scdidadm -l |grep -i 0252
1 PEVDB061:/dev/rdsk/c5t60060E8006D3E3000000D3E300000252d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d1
6) Once the disk is visible in did devices of both the nodes, add the disk into the metaset
root@PEVDB061 # metaset
Set name = EVD-DG, Set number = 2
Host Owner
PEVDB061 Yes
Drive Dbase
d15 Yes
d16 Yes
d17 Yes
d18 Yes
d19 Yes
d20 Yes
root@PEVDB061 # metaset -s EVD-DG -a /dev/did/rdsk/d1
root@PEVDB061 # metaset
Set name = EVD-DG, Set number = 2
Host Owner
PEVDB061 Yes
Drive Dbase
d15 Yes
d16 Yes
d17 Yes
d18 Yes
d19 Yes
d20 Yes
d1 Yes
7) Once the disk is added to metaset, Please check for which all are the metadevices under metaset thats been created earlier,
root@PEVDB061 # metastat -s EVD-DG -p
EVD-DG/d100 1 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d17s0
EVD-DG/d300 1 4 /dev/did/rdsk/d16s0 /dev/did/rdsk/d18s0 /dev/did/rdsk/d19s0 /dev/did/rdsk/d20s0 -i 512b
EVD-DG/d200 2 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d17s1 \
1 /dev/did/rdsk/d15s0
8) Create a new metadevice with the name d400 with the disk thats added to metaset and create a new file system
root@PEVDB061 # metainit -s EVD-DG d400 1 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d1s0
EVD-DG/d400: Concat/Stripe is setup
root@PEVDB061 #metastat -s EVD-DG -p
EVD-DG/d400 1 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d1s0
EVD-DG/d100 1 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d17s0
EVD-DG/d300 1 4 /dev/did/rdsk/d16s0 /dev/did/rdsk/d18s0 /dev/did/rdsk/d19s0 /dev/did/rdsk/d20s0 -i 512b
EVD-DG/d200 2 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d17s1 \
1 /dev/did/rdsk/d15s0
root@PEVDB061 # newfs /dev/did/rdsk/d1s0
newfs: construct a new file system /dev/did/rdsk/d1s0: (y/n)? y
9) Take the name convention to be given for the new mount point (Here i am going to give it as /s1/evd/oradata02). Add the entry to /etc/vfstab file in both the active and passive nodes. This should be done without any mistake else we cant add this mount point to cluster resource. The entry should be like the below;
/dev/md/EVD-DG/dsk/d400 /dev/md/EVD-DG/rdsk/d400 /s1/evd/oradata02 ufs 2 no logging
10)Now try mounting the new mount point after creating the directory.Change the permissions of owner and group according to the user who is going to use the mount point.
root@PEVDB061 #mkdir -p /s1/evd/oradata02
root@PEVDB061 # mount /s1/evd/oradata02
root@PEVDB061 # df -h
Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on
/dev/md/dsk/d30 20G 12G 8.0G 60% /
/devices 0K 0K 0K 0% /devices
ctfs 0K 0K 0K 0% /system/contract
proc 0K 0K 0K 0% /proc
mnttab 0K 0K 0K 0% /etc/mnttab
swap 26G 2.0M 26G 1% /etc/svc/volatile
objfs 0K 0K 0K 0% /system/object
sharefs 0K 0K 0K 0% /etc/dfs/sharetab
fd 0K 0K 0K 0% /dev/fd
swap 26G 18M 26G 1% /tmp
swap 26G 120K 26G 1% /var/run
/dev/md/dsk/d33 88G 1.6G 86G 2% /app
/dev/md/dsk/d32 9.9G 458M 9.3G 5% /export/home
/dev/md/dsk/d34 477M 3.8M 426M 1% /global/.devices/node@1
50G 11G 38G 22% /s1/evd/oraarch
16G 6.4G 9.2G 41% /s1/evd/oracle
131G 102G 27G 79% /s1/evd/oradata01
/dev/md/dsk/d35 485M 3.9M 432M 1% /global/.devices/node@2
5.3G 2.9G 2.4G 55% /swat
98G 100M 97G 1% /s1/evd/oradata02
11) This server is running a 2 databases and now is the last and important part- Adding the mount point to the cluster hasp resource. This is done inorder to switch all the data base mount points from one resource to another.This will work only if the vfstab entries are correct in both the servers.Please see the command for that.
root@PEVDB061 # scstat -g
-- Resource Groups and Resources --
Group Name Resources
---------- ---------
Resources: pevd-rg PEVD pevd-hasp-rs pevd-db-rs pevd-lsnr-rs bor3-bo-rs
-- Resource Groups --
Group Name Node Name State Suspended
---------- --------- ----- ---------
Group: pevd-rg PEVDB061 Online No
Group: pevd-rg PEVDB064 Offline No
-- Resources --
Resource Name Node Name State Status Message
------------- --------- ----- --------------
Resource: PEVD PEVDB061 Online Online - LogicalHostname online.
Resource: PEVD PEVDB064 Offline Offline
Resource: pevd-hasp-rs PEVDB061 Online Online
Resource: pevd-hasp-rs PEVDB064 Offline Offline
Resource: pevd-db-rs PEVDB061 Online Online
Resource: pevd-db-rs PEVDB064 Offline Offline
Resource: pevd-lsnr-rs PEVDB061 Online Online
Resource: pevd-lsnr-rs PEVDB064 Offline Offline
Resource: bor3-bo-rs PEVDB061 Online Online
Resource: bor3-bo-rs PEVDB064 Offline Offline
root@PEVDB061 #/usr/cluster/bin/clresource set -p FilesystemMountPoints=/s1/evd/oraarch,/s1/evd/oracle,/s1/evd/oradata01,/s1/evd/oradata02 pevd-hasp-rs
Its done baby...Simple.....Now when you get a downtime on this server or when some maintenance activity comes, Please check switching the resource from active to passive server.This will work.
The cluster activities can be done from the GUI also, but i am sort of person who hates little mouse.... and love to work with keyboard.
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
solutions for solaris,backup and storage: Configure a Jumpstart Server in Solaris
solutions for solaris,backup and storage: Configure a Jumpstart Server in Solaris: Today i configured a Solaris Jumpstart Server for my project. We were having only one Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 DVD which came with a T3 server...
Configure a Jumpstart Server in Solaris
Today i configured a Solaris Jumpstart Server for my project. We were having only one Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 DVD which came with a T3 server and frequent installation requirements were coming, So i thought of configuring a Jumpstart server.
Below are the steps in detail configuring a Jumpstart Server.We can divide it in 6 steps.
1. Spool the operating system image.
2. Edit the sysidcfg file.
3. Edit the rules and profile files.
4. Run the check script.
5. Run the add_install_client script.
6. Boot the client.
In detail with the output lets see...
Spool the operating system image.
When you use the Solaris 10 CD-ROM,use the setup_install_server script to spool the Solaris 10 OS image from the Solaris 10 OS Software 1 CD-ROM and use the add_to_install_server script to spool the Solaris 10 OS image from the remaining CD-ROMs.
When you use the Solaris 10 DVD source media, you are using the setup_install_server script to spool the Solaris 10 OS boot image and complete installation image to disk.
The spooled image also contains the add_install_client script that lets you configure boot and installation support for specific JumpStart clients.
Below are the steps to spool os image from DVD to local disk
1)Create a directory with at least five Gbytes of space available to hold
the Solaris OS image
# mkdir /export/install
2)Insert the Solaris 10 OS DVD in the DVD drive
3)Change the directory to the location of the setup_install_server
# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_10/Tools
4)Run the setup_install_server script to copy the Solaris 10 OS
boot and installation images to the local disk
# ./setup_install_server /export/install
5)once after completion share this file.
# vi /etc/dfs/dfstab
share -o ro /export/install
Edit the sysidcfg file
JumpStart clients use information in the sysidcfg file to answer identification questions
Folowing things should be mentioned : netmask,IPv6 networking, IP, security policy,
name service, time zone, system locale, initial time-of-day, root password
The sysidcfg files that contain client-specific information must exist in separate directories: eg:/export/config/client1/sysidcfg
Below are the steps to Edit the sysidcfg file
1)Create a directory to hold the sysidcfg file. Typically the
/export/config directory holds the sysidcfg file
# mkdir /export/config/client1
2)Change the directory to /export/config/client1, and create a file called
sysidcfg using a text editor for a client1.
# cd /export/config/client1
# vi sysidcfg
3)In the sysidcfg file, add the following lines
network_interface=hme0 { primary
root_password=Hx23475vABDDM (encrypted form)
Edit the rules and profile files
In order to provide configuration services, the JumpStart server provides a rules.ok file that allows the JumpStart client to select a profile file
The rules file enables groups of clients with the same characteristics to be grouped together as a class. Consequently the profile file is frequently referred to as the class file.
The profile file must contain all the information normally provided during interactive installation about the disk partitioning and the software selection for the JumpStart client
When a client finds an entry in rules.ok that it matches, it uses the profile associated with that entry
Entries in the rules file conform to the following syntax:
[!] match_key match_value [&& [!] match_key match_value]* begin profile finish
eg:hostname client1 - profile1
match_key : its a keyword and can be hostname, model, arch,
installed, network,domainname, karch, totaldisk,
disksize, or memsize
match_value : The value (or range of values) selected by the system
administrator for the match_key
begin : The name of a begin script. This is a Bourne Shell script
to be run before the installation is started. Use a (-) to
indicate that no begin script runs
profile : The name of the profile (class) file.
finish : The name of a finish script. This Bourne Shell script
runs after the installation is completed. Use a (-) to
indicate that no finish script runs.
Below are the steps Edit the rules and profile files
1) Create a directory to hold the rules file if this directory does not already exist. Usually, the /export/config/client1 directory holds the
rules file.
# mkdir /export/config/client1
2)Change the directory to /export/config, and create a file called rules using a text editor
# cd /export/config/client1
# vi rules
3)In the rules file, add the following line. For client_name, substitute the name of your JumpStart client
hostname test1 - profile1 -
4)Create a file called profile1 by using a text editor
# vi profile1
Add the following lines to the profile1 file:
install_type initial_install
system_type standalone
partitioning explicit
filesys c0t0d0s0 20000 /
filesys c0t0d0s1 15000 swap
filesys c0t0d0s3 10000 /export/home
cluster SUNWCXall
Run the check script
The check script validates the syntax of the rules file and the profile files. If the validation completes successfully, the check script creates the rules.ok file
Below are the steps to run the check script:
1)Change the directory to the location of the check script
# cd /export/install/Solaris_10/Misc/jumpStart_sample
2)Copy the check script to the /export/config directory
# cp check /export/config/client1
3)Change the directory to /export/config, and run the check script
# cd /export/config/client1
# ./check
Validating rules...
Validating profile profile1...
The custom JumpStart configuration is ok.
Run the add_install_client script
The add_install_client script configures the boot server to provide the network boot services that JumpStart clients require and must be run from the directory where the installation image or boot image resides
Run the add_install_client script only on the server that provides the boot image
edit the /etc/inet/hosts and /etc/ethers files on the boot server, and add a JumpStart client entry to each file
Below are steps to run add_install_client
1)Edit the /etc/inet/hosts file and /etc/ethers file, make entries for the client.
# vi /etc/inet/hosts test1
# vi /etc/ethers
8:0:20:10c:88:5b test1
2)Edit the /etc/dfstab file and share /export/config in read only mode
# vi /etc/dfs/dfstab
share -o ro /export/config/client1
2)Change the directory to the location of the add_install_client script on the server
# cd /export/install/Solaris_10/Tools
# ./add_install_client -c server1:/export/config/client1 -p server1:/export/config/client1 test1 sun4u
saving original /etc/dfs/dfstab in /etc/dfs/dfstab.orig
Adding "share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /export/install" to /etc/dfs/dfstab
making /tftpboot
enabling tftp in /etc/inetd.conf
starting rarpd
starting bootparamd
starting nfsd's
starting nfs mountd
updating /etc/bootparams
copying inetboot to /tftpboot
1) got to OK prompt
# init 0
2)boot with net.
ok boot net - install
Below are the steps in detail configuring a Jumpstart Server.We can divide it in 6 steps.
1. Spool the operating system image.
2. Edit the sysidcfg file.
3. Edit the rules and profile files.
4. Run the check script.
5. Run the add_install_client script.
6. Boot the client.
In detail with the output lets see...
Spool the operating system image.
When you use the Solaris 10 CD-ROM,use the setup_install_server script to spool the Solaris 10 OS image from the Solaris 10 OS Software 1 CD-ROM and use the add_to_install_server script to spool the Solaris 10 OS image from the remaining CD-ROMs.
When you use the Solaris 10 DVD source media, you are using the setup_install_server script to spool the Solaris 10 OS boot image and complete installation image to disk.
The spooled image also contains the add_install_client script that lets you configure boot and installation support for specific JumpStart clients.
Below are the steps to spool os image from DVD to local disk
1)Create a directory with at least five Gbytes of space available to hold
the Solaris OS image
# mkdir /export/install
2)Insert the Solaris 10 OS DVD in the DVD drive
3)Change the directory to the location of the setup_install_server
# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_10/Tools
4)Run the setup_install_server script to copy the Solaris 10 OS
boot and installation images to the local disk
# ./setup_install_server /export/install
5)once after completion share this file.
# vi /etc/dfs/dfstab
share -o ro /export/install
Edit the sysidcfg file
JumpStart clients use information in the sysidcfg file to answer identification questions
Folowing things should be mentioned : netmask,IPv6 networking, IP, security policy,
name service, time zone, system locale, initial time-of-day, root password
The sysidcfg files that contain client-specific information must exist in separate directories: eg:/export/config/client1/sysidcfg
Below are the steps to Edit the sysidcfg file
1)Create a directory to hold the sysidcfg file. Typically the
/export/config directory holds the sysidcfg file
# mkdir /export/config/client1
2)Change the directory to /export/config/client1, and create a file called
sysidcfg using a text editor for a client1.
# cd /export/config/client1
# vi sysidcfg
3)In the sysidcfg file, add the following lines
network_interface=hme0 { primary
root_password=Hx23475vABDDM (encrypted form)
Edit the rules and profile files
In order to provide configuration services, the JumpStart server provides a rules.ok file that allows the JumpStart client to select a profile file
The rules file enables groups of clients with the same characteristics to be grouped together as a class. Consequently the profile file is frequently referred to as the class file.
The profile file must contain all the information normally provided during interactive installation about the disk partitioning and the software selection for the JumpStart client
When a client finds an entry in rules.ok that it matches, it uses the profile associated with that entry
Entries in the rules file conform to the following syntax:
[!] match_key match_value [&& [!] match_key match_value]* begin profile finish
eg:hostname client1 - profile1
match_key : its a keyword and can be hostname, model, arch,
installed, network,domainname, karch, totaldisk,
disksize, or memsize
match_value : The value (or range of values) selected by the system
administrator for the match_key
begin : The name of a begin script. This is a Bourne Shell script
to be run before the installation is started. Use a (-) to
indicate that no begin script runs
profile : The name of the profile (class) file.
finish : The name of a finish script. This Bourne Shell script
runs after the installation is completed. Use a (-) to
indicate that no finish script runs.
Below are the steps Edit the rules and profile files
1) Create a directory to hold the rules file if this directory does not already exist. Usually, the /export/config/client1 directory holds the
rules file.
# mkdir /export/config/client1
2)Change the directory to /export/config, and create a file called rules using a text editor
# cd /export/config/client1
# vi rules
3)In the rules file, add the following line. For client_name, substitute the name of your JumpStart client
hostname test1 - profile1 -
4)Create a file called profile1 by using a text editor
# vi profile1
Add the following lines to the profile1 file:
install_type initial_install
system_type standalone
partitioning explicit
filesys c0t0d0s0 20000 /
filesys c0t0d0s1 15000 swap
filesys c0t0d0s3 10000 /export/home
cluster SUNWCXall
Run the check script
The check script validates the syntax of the rules file and the profile files. If the validation completes successfully, the check script creates the rules.ok file
Below are the steps to run the check script:
1)Change the directory to the location of the check script
# cd /export/install/Solaris_10/Misc/jumpStart_sample
2)Copy the check script to the /export/config directory
# cp check /export/config/client1
3)Change the directory to /export/config, and run the check script
# cd /export/config/client1
# ./check
Validating rules...
Validating profile profile1...
The custom JumpStart configuration is ok.
Run the add_install_client script
The add_install_client script configures the boot server to provide the network boot services that JumpStart clients require and must be run from the directory where the installation image or boot image resides
Run the add_install_client script only on the server that provides the boot image
edit the /etc/inet/hosts and /etc/ethers files on the boot server, and add a JumpStart client entry to each file
Below are steps to run add_install_client
1)Edit the /etc/inet/hosts file and /etc/ethers file, make entries for the client.
# vi /etc/inet/hosts test1
# vi /etc/ethers
8:0:20:10c:88:5b test1
2)Edit the /etc/dfstab file and share /export/config in read only mode
# vi /etc/dfs/dfstab
share -o ro /export/config/client1
2)Change the directory to the location of the add_install_client script on the server
# cd /export/install/Solaris_10/Tools
# ./add_install_client -c server1:/export/config/client1 -p server1:/export/config/client1 test1 sun4u
saving original /etc/dfs/dfstab in /etc/dfs/dfstab.orig
Adding "share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /export/install" to /etc/dfs/dfstab
making /tftpboot
enabling tftp in /etc/inetd.conf
starting rarpd
starting bootparamd
starting nfsd's
starting nfs mountd
updating /etc/bootparams
copying inetboot to /tftpboot
1) got to OK prompt
# init 0
2)boot with net.
ok boot net - install
Saturday, 6 August 2011
solutions for solaris,backup and storage: C4 TAPE LIBRARY CONFIGURATION ON SOLARIS WITH NETW...
solutions for solaris,backup and storage: C4 TAPE LIBRARY CONFIGURATION ON SOLARIS WITH NETW...: " 9 Today i have configured a C4 tape Library to a solaris server. We are running backup using networker 7.2. The C4 tape library has got 38..."
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Today i have configured a C4 tape Library to a solaris server. We are running backup using networker 7.2.
The C4 tape library has got 38 slot with 2 drives.I made sure that all the connections are given properly with my colleagues working on hardware part.After that i logged into the server and i configured as root user.
Below i have mentioned steps on how to configure that.I have als o configured SL500 Tape library which i will include in my blog during the coming days
1)First take the output of cfgadm -al command output.After that,Run the networker command inquire which will display all the SCSI devices connected with the manufacturer name and its serial number.
The C4 tape library has got 38 slot with 2 drives.I made sure that all the connections are given properly with my colleagues working on hardware part.After that i logged into the server and i configured as root user.
Below i have mentioned steps on how to configure that.I have als o configured SL500 Tape library which i will include in my blog during the coming days
1)First take the output of cfgadm -al command output.After that,Run the networker command inquire which will display all the SCSI devices connected with the manufacturer name and its serial number.
bash-2.05# cfgadm -al Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition c0 scsi-bus connected configured unknown c0::dsk/c0t0d0 CD-ROM connected configured unknown c1 scsi-bus connected configured unknown c1::/dev/lus disk connected configured unknown c1::dsk/c1t0d0 disk connected configured unknown c1::dsk/c1t1d0 disk connected configured unknown c1::dsk/c1t2d0 disk connected configured unknown c1::dsk/c1t3d0 disk connected configured unknown c2 scsi-bus connected configured unknown c2::lus1 unknown connected configured unknown c3 fc-private connected unconfigured unknown c3::100000e002236d82 med-changer connected configured unknown c4 fc connected unconfigured unknown usb0/1 unknown empty unconfigured ok usb0/2 unknown empty unconfigured okbash-2.05# ./inquire scsidev@1.0.0:FUJITSU MAW3073NCSUN72G 1703|Disk, /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 S/N: 000633B0G3TN DAN0P680G3TN scsidev@1.1.0:FUJITSU MAW3147NCSUN146G1703|Disk, /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s2 S/N: 000634C09CRW DAC0P6809CRW scsidev@1.2.0:FUJITSU MAW3147NCSUN146G1703|Disk, /dev/rdsk/c1t2d0s2 S/N: 000634C09F90 DAC0P6809F90 scsidev@1.3.0:FUJITSU MAW3147NCSUN146G1703|Disk, /dev/rdsk/c1t3d0s2 S/N: 000634C09F8H DAC0P6809F8H
scsidev@3.100.0:QUANTUM PX500 000B|Autochanger (Jukebox) S/N: QP0633BDC00011 ATNN=QUANTUM PX500 QP0633BDC00011 IENN=00E09EFFFF0B086C WWNN=100000E09E0B086C
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2)Now check for the cfgadm -al command and you can see that the med-changer type device is configured3) Give the command ./lus_add_fp_devs which is a script that is made for solaris only which will update the lus.conf(Legato lus Driver configuration file ) file. This will reload the driver for the tape library.bash-2.05# cfgadm -al Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition c0 scsi-bus connected configured unknown c0::dsk/c0t0d0 CD-ROM connected configured unknown c1 scsi-bus connected configured unknown c1::/dev/lus disk connected configured unknown c1::dsk/c1t0d0 disk connected configured unknown c1::dsk/c1t1d0 disk connected configured unknown c1::dsk/c1t2d0 disk connected configured unknown c1::dsk/c1t3d0 disk connected configured unknown c2 scsi-bus connected configured unknown c2::lus1 unknown connected configured unknown c3 fc-private connected configured unknown c3::100000e002236d82 med-changer connected configured unknown c4 fc connected unconfigured unknown usb0/1 unknown empty unconfigured ok usb0/2 unknown empty unconfigured ok
bash-2.05# ./lus_add_fp_devs Updating /usr/kernel/drv/lus.conf Found Sun StorEdge(TM) HBA device: /devices/pci@1d,700000/SUNW,qlc@1/fp@0,0:devctl Mapping tape devices starting at target 0 connected via HBA /devices/pci@1d,700000/SUNW,qlc@1/fp@0,0:devctl Adding: Adding medium changer devices starting at target 100 connected via HBA /devices/pci@1d,700000/SUNW,qlc@1/fp@0,0:devctl Adding: port WWN: 100000e002236d82 as SCSI target 100 The changes made to lus.conf will not take effect until lus is reloaded. If you are sure that no process is currently using lus to control a tape library, then it may be safely unloaded. Would you like to unload lus? (y/n) y lus is not currently loaded Would you like to load and configure lus using the newly modified lus.conf? (y/n) y Would you like to run inquire? (y/n) y scsidev@1.0.0:FUJITSU MAW3073NCSUN72G 1703|Disk, /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 S/N: 000633B0G3TN DAN0P680G3TN scsidev@1.1.0:FUJITSU MAW3147NCSUN146G1703|Disk, /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s2 S/N: 000634C09CRW DAC0P6809CRW scsidev@1.2.0:FUJITSU MAW3147NCSUN146G1703|Disk, /dev/rdsk/c1t2d0s2 S/N: 000634C09F90 DAC0P6809F90 scsidev@1.3.0:FUJITSU MAW3147NCSUN146G1703|Disk, /dev/rdsk/c1t3d0s2 S/N: 000634C09F8H DAC0P6809F8H scsidev@3.100.0:QUANTUM PX500 000B|Autochanger (Jukebox) S/N: QP0633BDC00011 ATNN=QUANTUM PX500 QP0633BDC00011 IENN=00E09EFFFF0B086C WWNN=100000E09E0B086C
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4) Once the drivers are loaded then you can carry on with the configuration of Library using the command jbconfigbash-2.05# jbconfig Jbconfig is running on host hbak020 (SunOS 5.9), and is using hbak020 as the NetWorker server. 1) Configure an AlphaStor Library. 2) Configure an Autodetected SCSI Jukebox. 3) Configure an Autodetected NDMP SCSI Jukebox. 4) Configure an SJI Jukebox. 5) Configure an STL Silo.
What kind of Jukebox are you configuring? [1] 2 14484:jbconfig: Scanning SCSI buses; this may take a while ... Installing 'Standard SCSI Jukebox' jukebox - scsidev@3.100.0. What name do you want to assign to this jukebox device? hotfix-c4 15814:jbconfig: Attempting to detect serial numbers on the jukebox and drives ... 15815:jbconfig: Will try to use SCSI information returned by jukebox to configure drives. Turn NetWorker auto-cleaning on (yes / no) [yes]? The drives in this jukebox cannot be auto-configured with the available information. You will need to provide the path for the drives. Is (any path of) any drive intended for NDMP use? (yes / no) [no] Is any drive going to have more than one path defined? (yes / no) [no] Please enter the device path information in one of the following formats: /dev/rmt/1cbn --for local path or host:device-path --for remote node or NDMP device(s) or host:drive-letter:directory path --for Windows disk file Drive 1, element 128 Drive path ? /dev/rmt/0cbn This path already exists in the database. Proceed with the same path? (yes / no) [yes] Drive 2, element 129 Drive path ? /dev/rmt/1cbn This path already exists in the database. Proceed with the same path? (yes / no) [yes] Only model LTO Ultrium-2 drives have been detected. Are all drives in this jukebox of the same model? (yes / no) [yes] 14416:jbconfig: Found device /dev/rmt/0cbn already configured in NetWorker. Delete existing definition? (yes / no) [no] 14416:jbconfig: Found device /dev/rmt/1cbn already configured in NetWorker.
Delete existing definition? (yes / no) [no] Jukebox has been added successfully The following configuration options have been set: > Jukebox description to the control port and model. > Autochanger control port to the port at which we found it. > Networker managed tape autocleaning on. > Barcode reading to on. > Volume labels that match the barcodes. > Slot intended to hold cleaning cartridge to 38. Please insure that a cleaning cartridge is in that slot > Number of times we will use a new cleaning cartridge to 50. You can review and change the characteristics of the autochanger and its associated devices using the NetWorker Management Console.
In the above "jbconfig" option you can select option 2 also but you will have to answer couple of questions.Thus the C4 tape library is configured and now after starting the backup you can see in the nwadmin & output that the C4 tape library with the 2 drives.
Friday, 15 July 2011
Today i have upgraded the firmware for 2 T2000 server which seems a bit interesting.I have done it both from terminal and also from serial console(sc>)
A firmware is something that we can't touch like a hardware or something that we can't see like a software.Its something that drives the hardware for supporting the software.If the firmware upgradation is not done in a proper way or if it gets aborted, the hardware you can sell it for scrap value.ie. the hardware cant be used again.
In a T2k server the firmware uprades the following modules:
a) Open boot prom(OBP) version.
b)Hypervisor layer that provides a platform for LDOMS
Below i have mentioned it in step by step method
Prior to upgradation put the firmware patch in some server and ftp share it
1)Bring the machine to Ok prompt and from there login to sc prompt pressing "#." What i did was i took tip conection and i directly went to sc prompt once after bringing down the server
A firmware is something that we can't touch like a hardware or something that we can't see like a software.Its something that drives the hardware for supporting the software.If the firmware upgradation is not done in a proper way or if it gets aborted, the hardware you can sell it for scrap value.ie. the hardware cant be used again.
In a T2k server the firmware uprades the following modules:
a) Open boot prom(OBP) version.
b)Hypervisor layer that provides a platform for LDOMS
Below i have mentioned it in step by step method
Prior to upgradation put the firmware patch in some server and ftp share it
1)Bring the machine to Ok prompt and from there login to sc prompt pressing "#." What i did was i took tip conection and i directly went to sc prompt once after bringing down the server
bash-3.00#init 0
sc>poweroff -y
2)Once after the server is down,check the status of sc> and then connect a lan cable to etwork management port.
sc> showhost Host flash versions: Reset V1.0.0 Hypervisor 1.0.1 2005/11/14 14:31 OBP 4.19.0 2005/10/27 17:24 MPT SAS FCode Version 1.00.37 (2005.06.13)>R Integrated POST 4.19.1 2005/11/15 11:10
sc> showsc Advanced Lights Out Manager CMT v1.0.2 parameter value --------- ----- if_network false if_modem false if_emailalerts false netsc_tpelinktest true netsc_dhcp false netsc_ipaddr netsc_ipnetmask netsc_ipgateway mgt_mailhost mgt_mailalert sc_customerinfo chicken sc_escapechars #. sc_powerondelay true sc_powerstatememory false sc_clipasswdecho true sc_cliprompt sc sc_clitimeout 0
---------------------------------------------------------------3)Asign IP address for sc prompt as metioned in the belowsc> setsc netsc_ipaddr
sc> setsc netsc_ipnetmask
sc> setsc netsc_ipgateway
sc> showsc
Advanced Lights Out Manager CMT v1.0.2 parameter value --------- ----- if_network false if_modem false if_emailalerts false netsc_tpelinktest true netsc_dhcp false netsc_ipaddr netsc_ipnetmask netsc_ipgateway mgt_mailhost mgt_mailalert sc_customerinfo chicken sc_escapechars #. sc_powerondelay true sc_powerstatememory false sc_clipasswdecho true sc_cliprompt sc sc_clitimeout 0
Check whether this assigned IP is pinging or not.------------------------------------------------------4)Now there is a utility called flashupdate in the sc prompt from which we can download the firmware patch from another server and install here.Here i have put the patch in a server with IP you run the command it will ask for root password of the server where we have kept the firmware patchsc> flashupdate -s -f /firmware_patch/139434-08/Sun_System_Firmware-6_7_11-Sun_Fire_T2000.bin -v
mention -s as server name where the patch is present-f as the path where the patch is kept in
-v will display te output in a verbose mode
SC Alert: System poweron is disabled. Username: root Password: ******* .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................--------------------------------------------------------------------------5) Once its done type the command resetscsc> resetsc Are you sure you want to reset the SC [y/n]?y
6)check for the status of server using below command where you can see the hypervisor and OBP prompt are upgraded.Then power on the machinesc> showhost Host flash versions: OBP 4.30.4.b 2010/07/09 13:48 Hypervisor 1.7.3.c 2010/07/09 15:14
sc> poweron
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FROM TERMIAL1)We can also upgrade the firmware from terminal using an utiliy called 'sysfwdownload' which will download the firmware to sc> and upgrade there.bash-3.00# ./sysfwdownload Sun_System_Firmware-6_7_11-Sun_Fire_T2000.bin
-----------------------------------------------------------2)After that reboot the machine and you will find the firmware upgraded.Check for OBP version and you can see that the verson is changed.bash-3.00#prtconf -V
OBP 4.30.4.b 2010/07/09 13:48
Thursday, 14 July 2011
IPMP is nothing but just an abbreviation of IP multipathing.Chances are there that if a network card fails in a server,for redundancy we need to keep something.In Solaris we have got two types of IPMP
1)Probe based IPMP &
2)Link based IPMP
In Probe based IPMP,we will have to asssign two ip address per NIC card and a virtual ip will play between these cards based on the availability.These are supported by some old NIC cards like ce0 etc..
In Link based IPMP,we need to assign only one IP provided the 2nd NIC card should be plumbed and up end running.Most of the modern NIC cards like igb0,e000g0 etc. support this type of IPMP
Below i have mentioned how to configure IPMP both in Probe based and :Link based fashion.
1)first of all plumb 2 n/w cards , make it running and assign one IP address to one card.
bash-3.00# ifconfig igb0 plumb
bash-3.00# ifconfig igb1 plumb
bash-3.00# ifconfig igb0 netmask up
bash-3.00#ifconfig -a
2)Now in the files /etc/hostname.igb0 and /etc/hostname.igb1 insert the following entries which will create a group ipmp0 that will get changed according to scenarios.
3) After that restart the network service
bash-3.00#/etc/init.d/network stop
bash-3.00#/etc/init.d/network start
bash-3.00# ifconfig -a
4)Check for IPMP is working or not with the logs that we obtain
bash-3.00# if_mpathd -d igb0
May 5 21:31:52 PSBLTEST in.mpathd[244]: The link has come up on igb0
We can see that the IP got switched between the virtual n/w intefaces when either of the one goes down.
1)Probe based IPMP &
2)Link based IPMP
In Probe based IPMP,we will have to asssign two ip address per NIC card and a virtual ip will play between these cards based on the availability.These are supported by some old NIC cards like ce0 etc..
In Link based IPMP,we need to assign only one IP provided the 2nd NIC card should be plumbed and up end running.Most of the modern NIC cards like igb0,e000g0 etc. support this type of IPMP
Below i have mentioned how to configure IPMP both in Probe based and :Link based fashion.
1)first of all plumb 2 n/w cards , make it running and assign one IP address to one card.
bash-3.00# ifconfig igb0 plumb
bash-3.00# ifconfig igb1 plumb
bash-3.00# ifconfig igb0 netmask up
bash-3.00#ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232 index 1
inet netmask ff000000
igb0: flags=19000802<BROADCAST,MULTICAST,IPv4,NOFAILOVER,FAILED> mtu 0 index 2
inet netmask 0
ether 0:21:28:b1:52:7c
igb1: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
inet netmask ff000000 broadcast
ether 0:21:28:b1:52:7d
2)Now in the files /etc/hostname.igb0 and /etc/hostname.igb1 insert the following entries which will create a group ipmp0 that will get changed according to scenarios.
bash-3.00# more /etc/hostname.igb0
PSBLTEST netmask + broadcast + group ipmp0 up
bash-3.00# more /etc/hostname.igb1
group ipmp0 up
3) After that restart the network service
bash-3.00#/etc/init.d/network stop
bash-3.00#/etc/init.d/network start
bash-3.00# ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232 index 1
inet netmask ff000000
igb0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
groupname ipmp0
ether 0:21:28:b1:52:7c
igb0:1: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask ff000000 broadcast
igb1: flags=19000802<BROADCAST,MULTICAST,IPv4,NOFAILOVER,FAILED> mtu 0 index 3
inet netmask 0
groupname ipmp0
ether 0:21:28:b1:52:7d
4)Check for IPMP is working or not with the logs that we obtain
bash-3.00# if_mpathd -d igb0
May 5 21:31:52 PSBLTEST in.mpathd[244]: The link has come up on igb0
May 5 21:31:52 PSBLTEST in.mpathd[244]: NIC repair detected on igb0 of group ipmp0
May 5 21:31:52 PSBLTEST in.mpathd[244]: Successfully failed back to NIC igb0
bash-3.00# ifconfig -a
bash-3.00# ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232 index 1
inet netmask ff000000
igb0: flags=19000802<BROADCAST,MULTICAST,IPv4,NOFAILOVER,FAILED> mtu 0 index 2
inet netmask 0
groupname ipmp0
ether 0:21:28:b1:52:7c
igb1: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
inet netmask ff000000 broadcast
groupname ipmp0
ether 0:21:28:b1:52:7d
igb1:1: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
bash-3.00# if_mpathd -r igb0May 5 21:31:59 PSBLTEST in.mpathd[244]: The link has gone down on igb1
May 5 21:31:59 PSBLTEST in.mpathd[244]: NIC failure detected on igb1 of group ipmp0
May 5 21:31:59 PSBLTEST in.mpathd[244]: Successfully failed over from NIC igb1 to NIC igb0
We can see that the IP got switched between the virtual n/w intefaces when either of the one goes down.
Friday, 29 April 2011
solutions for solaris,backup and storage: DYNAMIC RECONFIGURATION IN E20k
solutions for solaris,backup and storage: DYNAMIC RECONFIGURATION IN E20k: "Today I learnt a very interesting thing,that i got a chance for Dynamic Reconfiguration in E20k.For these many days i have heard about board..."
Today I learnt a very interesting thing,that i got a chance for Dynamic Reconfiguration in E20k.For these many days i have heard about board replacement in E20k Oracle Solaris Enterprise Server.I was a bit worried as our soul of production was running on this box, more than that a single board of E20k costs Rs.60-70lakh.In case if any error happens...god its end of story.and now i don't know how i did that...
In our E20k box we have about 5 domains running with siebel Database taking 5 boards and 2 IO.All the domains are configured in Sun Cluster.I was asked to take a board from Siebel (SB6) and add it to another domain running SAP database.The board to be replaced was with 32 Gb
In this scenario:
C domain is Siebel
D domain is SAP.
Before Starting the activity i made a copy of all important outputs like df -h, ifconfig -a, /etc/vfstab, /etc/system, /etc/hosts, metadb, metastat, metaset -a, metainit 'metaset', scstat -g, scstat -q, scstat -i, scstat, scdidadm -L,scdidadm -l, scconf -pv, dfshares, prtconf -pvv, prtdiag -v format and almost all the outputs neccessary.
Below i have mentioned everything in a step by step method:
1)first i logged into domain siebel and checked the memory size with a 3rd party tool 'TOP'
root@PSBLD008 # top
[H [Jlast pid: 22624; load averages: 3.27, 3.32, 3.06 [1;149H04:12:07
693 processes: 685 sleeping, 2 zombie, 2 stopped, 4 on cpu
CPU states: % idle, % user, % kernel, % iowait, % swap
Memory: 96G real, 75G free, 15G swap in use, 102G swap free
5648 dbmonito 46 0 2 12G 8296M cpu/130 64:13 1.73% oracle
19285 dbmonito 1 0 2 12G 8382M cpu/96 19:54 1.33% oracle
19283 dbmonito 1 0 2 12G 8382M cpu/133 19:10 1.22% oracle
19281 dbmonito 11 35 2 12G 8384M sleep 1:32 0.66% oracle
19279 dbmonito 11 35 2 12G 8382M sleep 1:14 0.57% oracle
23560 oracle 1 60 0 12G 8279M sleep 109:17 0.41% oracle
16271 oracle 1 60 0 12G 8281M sleep 51:05 0.21% oracle
21497 oracle 1 22 0 12G 8276M sleep 344:45 0.16% oracle
23987 oracle 1 60 0 12G 8283M sleep 34:20 0.13% oracle
22925 oracle 1 40 0 12G 8276M sleep 341:59 0.08% oracle
20787 oracle 1 43 0 12G 8277M sleep 257:22 0.07% oracle
22624 root 1 3 0 3472K 2432K cpu/160 0:00 0.06% top
18093 oracle 1 41 0 12G 8277M sleep 258:14 0.05% oracle
1651 oracle 1 40 0 12G 8278M sleep 193:11 0.04% oracle
22222 oracle 1 42 0 12G 8287M sleep 0:07 0.04% oracle
(you can check this using command prtdiag -v |grep -i memory, or any other command to check memory)
we can notice that total memory is 96 Gb.
2)login to the console of E20k.the console is called SMS.and here u need to 'su' to sms-svc user to do sms operations,which is a user by default in console.
And check for all the platforms
root@T-Sky-20K-2-sc1 #su - sms-svc
bash-2.05$ showboards Retrieving board information. Please wait. ........ Location Pwr Type of Board Board Status Test Status Domain -------- --- ------------- ------------ ----------- ------ SB0 - Empty Slot Assigned - A SB1 On V3CPU Active Passed A SB2 On V3CPU Active Passed B SB3 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB4 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB5 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB6 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB7 On V3CPU Active Passed D SB8 On V3CPU Active Passed E SB9 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB10 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB11 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB12 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB13 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB14 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB15 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB16 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB17 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO0 On HPCI+ Active Passed A IO1 On HPCI+ Active Passed A IO2 On HPCI+ Active Passed B IO3 On HPCI+ Active Passed B IO4 On HPCI+ Active Passed C IO5 On HPCI+ Active Passed C IO6 On HPCI+ Assigned Failed D IO7 On HPCI+ Active Passed D IO8 On HPCI+ Active Passed E IO9 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO10 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO11 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO12 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO13 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO14 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO15 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO16 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO17 - Empty Slot Available - Isolatedbash-2.05$ showplatform PLATFORM: ========= Platform Type: Sun Fire E20K CSN: ==== Chassis Serial Number: 0609AK20BA COD: ==== Chassis HostID: 5014936D87943 Proc RTUs installed: 0 PROC Headroom Quantity: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain A: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain B: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain C: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain D: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain E: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain F: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain G: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain H: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain I: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain J: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain K: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain L: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain M: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain N: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain O: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain P: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain Q: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain R: 0 Available Component List for Domains: ===================================== Available Component List for domain A: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain B: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain C: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain D: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain E: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain F: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain G: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain H: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain I: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain J: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain K: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain L: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain M: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain N: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain O: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain P: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain Q: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain R: No System boards No IO boards Domain Ethernet Addresses: ========================== Domain ID Domain Tag Ethernet Address A - 0:0:be:a9:fc:24 B - 0:0:be:a9:fc:25 C - 0:0:be:a9:fc:26 D - 0:0:be:a9:fc:27 E - 0:0:be:a9:fc:28 F - 0:0:be:a9:fc:29 G - 0:0:be:a9:fc:2a H - 0:0:be:a9:fc:2b I - 0:0:be:a9:fc:2c J - 0:0:be:a9:fc:2d K - 0:0:be:a9:fc:2e L - 0:0:be:a9:fc:2f M - 0:0:be:a9:fc:30 N - 0:0:be:a9:fc:31 O - 0:0:be:a9:fc:32 P - 0:0:be:a9:fc:33 Q - 0:0:be:a9:fc:34 R - 0:0:be:a9:fc:35 Domain configurations: ====================== Domain ID Domain Tag Solaris Nodename Domain Status A - PKEND021 Running Solaris B - PKENA019 Running Solaris C - PSBLD008 Running Solaris D - - Powered Off E - PEAID015 Running Solaris F - - Powered Off G - - Powered Off H - - Powered Off I - - Powered Off J - - Powered Off K - - Powered Off L - - Powered Off M - - Powered Off N - - Powered Off O - - Powered Off P - - Powered Off Q - - Powered Off R - - Powered Off
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Check whicha all are the boads for domain C(Siebel) present.3)bash-2.05$ showboards -d CRetrieving board information. Please wait. ...... Location Pwr Type of Board Board Status Test Status Domain -------- --- ------------- ------------ ----------- ------ SB3 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB4 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB5 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB6 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB7 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB9 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB10 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB11 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB12 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB13 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB14 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB15 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB16 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB17 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO4 On HPCI+ Active Passed C IO5 On HPCI+ Active Passed C IO9 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO10 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO11 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO12 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO13 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO14 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO15 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO16 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO17 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated
we can see that Domain C is using Boards SB3,SB4,SB5,SB6,SB7 with IO4 and IO5.we want to reconfigure SB6 to Domain D.--------------------------------------------------------------------------Login to the domain C and check for the boards configured.Also check which is permanant board4)bash-2.05$ console -d Croot@PSBLD008 # cfgadm -alv |grep -i permanent SB5::memory connected configured ok base address 0x20000000000, 16777216 KBytes total, 14916912 KBytes permanent
root@PSBLD008 # cfgadm -l -s "select=class(sbd)"Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition IO4 HPCI+ connected configured ok IO5 HPCI+ connected configured ok SB3 V3CPU connected configured ok SB4 V3CPU connected configured ok SB5 V3CPU connected configured ok SB6 V3CPU connected configured ok SB7 V3CPU connected configured ok
--------------------------------------------------------------------now we will unconfigure the 6th board SB6 and check with top command whether the memory has changed or not.5)root@PSBLD008 #cfgadm -v -c unconfigure SB6
request delete capacity (8 cpus) request delete capacity (4194304 pages) request delete capacity SB6 done request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu192 request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu196 request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu193 request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu197 request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu194 request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu198 request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu195 request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu199 request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu192 done request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu196 done request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu193 done request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu197 done request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu194 done request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu198 done request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu195 done request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu199 done unconfigure SB6 Apr 27 00:20:13 PSBLD008 dr: OS unconfigure dr@0:SB6::cpu0 Apr 27 00:20:24 PSBLD008 dr: OS unconfigure dr@0:SB6::cpu1 Apr 27 00:20:45 PSBLD008 dr: OS unconfigure dr@0:SB6::cpu2 Apr 27 00:20:57 PSBLD008 dr: OS unconfigure dr@0:SB6::cpu3 Apr 27 00:21:18 PSBLD008 dr: OS unconfigure dr@0:SB6::memory unconfigure SB6 done notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu192 notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu196 notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu193 notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu197 notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu194 notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu198 notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu195 notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu199 notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu192 done notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu196 done notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu193 done notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu197 done notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu194 done notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu198 done notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu195 done notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu199 done notify capacity change (8 cpus) notify capacity change (4194304 pages) notify capacity change SB6 done you have mail root@PSBLD008 #
root@PSBLD008 # top[H [Jlast pid: 20303; load averages: 6.22, 6.37, 5.07 [1;149H00:26:34 1023 processes:1015 sleeping, 3 zombie, 2 stopped, 3 on cpu CPU states: % idle, % user, % kernel, % iowait, % swap Memory: 64G real, 43G free, 16G swap in use, 72G swap free PID USERNAME LWP PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE TIME CPU COMMAND 17385 dbmonito 11 0 2 12G 8271M sleep 7:37 2.34% oracle 18962 oracle 1 0 0 12G 8261M cpu/224 4:50 2.30% oracle 17391 dbmonito 11 0 2 12G 8308M sleep 6:17 1.55% oracle 17389 dbmonito 11 0 2 12G 8305M sleep 6:15 1.54% oracle 17130 oracle 1 0 0 12G 8258M sleep 3:52 1.08% oracle 15334 oracle 1 60 0 12G 8258M sleep 6:29 0.98% oracle 17383 dbmonito 11 15 2 12G 8309M sleep 1:35 0.46% oracle 21602 oracle 1 46 0 12G 8258M cpu/161 304:05 0.23% oracle 2823 oracle 1 30 0 12G 8258M sleep 0:48 0.14% oracle 22925 oracle 1 40 0 12G 8256M sleep 331:53 0.13% oracle 21497 oracle 1 40 0 12G 8256M sleep 334:40 0.12% oracle 15185 oracle 11 60 0 12G 8262M sleep 0:49 0.10% oracle 20303 root 1 0 0 3728K 2688K cpu/128 0:00 0.09% top 3508 oracle 20 53 0 12G 8247M sleep 124.9H 0.09% oracle 20639 oracle 1 45 0 12G 8260M sleep 0:13 0.09% oracle
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Login to console and again check for board status6)
bash-2.05$ showboards -d C Retrieving board information. Please wait. ............. Location Pwr Type of Board Board Status Test Status Domain -------- --- ------------- ------------ ----------- ------ SB3 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB4 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB5 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB6 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB7 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB9 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB10 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB11 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB12 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB13 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB14 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB15 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB16 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB17 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO4 On HPCI+ Active Passed C IO5 On HPCI+ Active Passed C IO9 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO10 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO11 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO12 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO13 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO14 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO15 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO16 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO17 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated
again we will find the board as active and still configured so we need to disconnect and delete this board.
Login again to domain C to disconnect the board
7)console -d C
Trying to connect...
Connected to Domain Server.
Your console is in exclusive mode now.
| This system is for the use of authorized users only. |
| Individuals using this computer system without authority, or in |
| excess of their authority, are subject to having all of their |
| activities on this system monitored and recorded by system |
| personnel. |
| |
| In the course of monitoring individuals improperly using this |
| system, or in the course of system maintenance, the activities |
| of authorized users may also be monitored. |
| |
| Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring |
| and is advised that if such monitoring reveals possible |
| evidence of criminal activity, system personnel may provide the |
| evidence of such monitoring to law enforcement officials. |
PSBLD008 console login: root
Last login: Tue Apr 26 23:38:33 from
Apr 27 00:28:08 PSBLD008 login: ROOT LOGIN /dev/console
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.9 Generic May 2002
WARNING:Only Tata Sky authorized users are permitted to use this System.
This System is under constant surveillance and monitoring. Any security
violation shall lead to disciplinary action as per the Tata Sky IT User
Policies and Guidelines.
SunOS PSBLD008 5.9 Generic_118558-21 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-15000
************************System Serial Number & Model********************
Memory size: 98304 Megabytes, (20 CPU, US-IV+ , dual core , total logical 40 )
You have new mail.
Sourcing //.profile-EIS.....
root@PSBLD008 #
root@PSBLD008 # bash
root@PSBLD008 # cfgadm -v -c disconnect SB6
disconnect SB6
disconnect SB6 done
poweroff SB6
poweroff SB6 done
unassign SB6 skipped
root@PSBLD008 #
login to console and delete the board and if you give the showboard against C and D domain, you can see the difference.Instead of adding and deleting we can do this using command 'moveboard'(moveboard -d D configure SB6).But i am describing it in a step-by-step method
8)bash-2.05$ deleteboard SB6
SB6 successfully unassigned.
bash-2.05$ showboards -d C Retrieving board information. Please wait. ............ Location Pwr Type of Board Board Status Test Status Domain -------- --- ------------- ------------ ----------- ------ SB3 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB4 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB5 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB6 Off V3CPU Available Unknown Isolated SB7 On V3CPU Active Passed C SB9 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB10 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB11 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB12 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB13 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB14 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB15 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB16 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB17 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO4 On HPCI+ Active Passed C IO5 On HPCI+ Active Passed C IO9 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO10 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO11 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO12 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO13 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO14 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO15 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO16 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO17 - Empty Slot Available - Isolatedbash-2.05$ addboard -d D SB6Domain: D is not running. You can only "configure" a component into a running domain. Would you like to "assign" the component(s) to domain D instead (yes/no)? yes^?^? no bash-2.05$ showboards -d D Retrieving board information. Please wait. ...... Location Pwr Type of Board Board Status Test Status Domain -------- --- ------------- ------------ ----------- ------ SB6 Off V3CPU Available Unknown Isolated SB9 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB10 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB11 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB12 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB13 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB14 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB15 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB16 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB17 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO6 Off HPCI+ Assigned Unknown D IO7 Off HPCI+ Assigned Unknown D IO9 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO10 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO11 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO12 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO13 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO14 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO15 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO16 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO17 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated(Don't get confused because my Domain D was already powered off).-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Check for the platform again.9)bash-2.05$ showplatformPLATFORM: ========= Platform Type: Sun Fire E20K CSN: ==== Chassis Serial Number: 0609AK20BA COD: ==== Chassis HostID: 5014936D87943 Proc RTUs installed: 0 PROC Headroom Quantity: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain A: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain B: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain C: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain D: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain E: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain F: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain G: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain H: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain I: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain J: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain K: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain L: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain M: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain N: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain O: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain P: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain Q: 0 Proc RTUs reserved for domain R: 0 Available Component List for Domains: ===================================== Available Component List for domain A: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain B: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain C: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain D: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain E: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain F: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain G: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain H: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain I: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain J: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain K: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain L: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain M: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain N: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain O: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain P: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain Q: No System boards No IO boards Available Component List for domain R: No System boards No IO boards Domain Ethernet Addresses: ========================== Domain ID Domain Tag Ethernet Address A - 0:0:be:a9:fc:24 B - 0:0:be:a9:fc:25 C - 0:0:be:a9:fc:26 D - 0:0:be:a9:fc:27 E - 0:0:be:a9:fc:28 F - 0:0:be:a9:fc:29 G - 0:0:be:a9:fc:2a H - 0:0:be:a9:fc:2b I - 0:0:be:a9:fc:2c J - 0:0:be:a9:fc:2d K - 0:0:be:a9:fc:2e L - 0:0:be:a9:fc:2f M - 0:0:be:a9:fc:30 N - 0:0:be:a9:fc:31 O - 0:0:be:a9:fc:32 P - 0:0:be:a9:fc:33 Q - 0:0:be:a9:fc:34 R - 0:0:be:a9:fc:35 Domain configurations: ====================== Domain ID Domain Tag Solaris Nodename Domain Status A - PKEND021 Running Solaris B - PKENA019 Running Solaris C - PSBLD008 Running Solaris D - - Powered Off E - PEAID015 Running Solaris F - - Powered Off G - - Powered Off H - - Powered Off I - - Powered Off J - - Powered Off K - - Powered Off L - - Powered Off M - - Powered Off N - - Powered Off O - - Powered Off P - - Powered Off Q - - Powered Off R - - Powered Off
----------------------------------------------------------------------Thus the board is removed from one domain.Now our activity is to add the board in new domain.and after that check for all the boards in D domain.10)bash-2.05$ addboard -d D SB6Domain: D is not running. You can only "configure" a component into a running domain. Would you like to "assign" the component(s) to domain D instead (yes/no)? yes SB6 assigned to domain: D
bash-2.05$showboards -d D Retrieving board information. Please wait. ......... Location Pwr Type of Board Board Status Test Status Domain -------- --- ------------- ------------ ----------- ------ SB6 Off V3CPU Assigned Unknown D SB9 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB10 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB11 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB12 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB13 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB14 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB15 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB16 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated SB17 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO6 Off HPCI+ Assigned Unknown D IO7 Off HPCI+ Assigned Unknown D IO9 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO10 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO11 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO12 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO13 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO14 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO15 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO16 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated IO17 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now we have to turn on the keyswitch.Sometimes if the domain is down,it will automatically turn on the domain.11)bash-2.05$ showkeyswitch -d DVirtual key switch position: OFF
bash-2.05$ setkeyswitch -d D -l 32 on
Powering on: CSB at CS1 Already powered on: CSB at CS1 Powering on: CSB at CS0 Already powered on: CSB at CS0 Powering on: EXB at EX6 Powering on: HPCI+ at IO6 Powering on: V3CPU at SB6 Waiting on exclusive access to EXB(s): 00080. Powering on: EXB at EX7 Already powered on: EXB at EX7 Powering on: HPCI+ at IO7 Significant contents of .postrc (platform) /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS1.6/config/platform/.postrc: # ident "@(#)postrc 1.1 01/04/02 SMI" Reading domain blacklist file /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/D/blacklist ... # ident "@(#)blacklist 1.1 01/04/02 SMI" Reading platform blacklist file /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/config/platform/blacklist ... # ident "@(#)blacklist 1.1 01/04/02 SMI" SEEPROM probe took 0 seconds. Reading Component Health Status (CHS) information ... stage lport_reset: Assert reset to IOC ports in -Q mode... stage_lport_reset(): Not -Q mode; Skipping Stage lport_reset stage bus_probe: Check in-use bus configurations... stage asic_probe: ASIC probe and JTAG/CBus integrity test... FAIL Slot IO7: Shares an expander with an unthrottled USIV+ board which is active in another domain. There is no FRU service action indicated for this failure. stage brd_rev_eval: Board Revision Evaluation and Compliance... stage cpu_probe: CPU Module probe... stage cdc_probe: CDC DIMM probe... stage mem_probe: Memory dimm probe... stage adapter_probe: I/O adapter probe... stage cp_shorts: Centerplane Shorts... stage lbist: Logic BIST... stage ibist: Interconnect BIST... stage field_ict: Field Interconnect Tests... stage mbist1: Internal memory BIST... stage mbist2: External memory BIST... stage domain_sync: Domain sync test... stage cbus_bbsram: Console Bus test of bootbus sram... stage sc_interrupt: DARB to SC interrupt... stage cdc_clear: CDC DIMM clear... stage cpu_lpost: Test all L1 CPU boards... Performing ASIC config with bus config a/d/r = 333... Slot0 in domain: 00040 Slot1 in domain: 00040 EXBs in use: 001BF sgcpu.flash file: Version 5.20.0 Build 15.1 I/F 12 is newest supported Fprom SB6/F0: Version 5.20.0 Build 15.1 I/F 12 is newest supported Fprom SB6/F1: Version 5.20.0 Build 15.1 I/F 12 is newest supported stage nmb_cpu_lpost: Non-Mem Board Proc tests... Performing ASIC config with bus config a/d/r = 333... Slot0 in domain: 00040 Slot1 in domain: 00040 EXBs in use: 001BF stage_cpu_lpost(): No NMB Boards in config. Skipping Stage nmb_cpu_lpost. Acquiring licenses for all good processors... stage wib_lpost: Wildcat interface board tests... stage_wib_lpost(): No good Wcis; Skipping Stage wib_lpost stage pci_lpost: Test all L1 I/O boards... Performing ASIC config with bus config a/d/r = 333... Slot0 in domain: 00040 Slot1 in domain: 00040 EXBs in use: 001BF pcilpost.elf Version 5.20.0 Build 15.1 I/F 12 is newest supported stage exp_lpost: Domain-level board and system tests... explpost.elf Version 5.20.0 Build 15.1 I/F 12 is newest supported stage cpu_lpost_II: CPU L1 domain/system tests... sgcpu.flash file: Version 5.20.0 Build 15.1 I/F 12 is newest supported Fprom SB6/F0: Version 5.20.0 Build 15.1 I/F 12 is newest supported Fprom SB6/F1: Version 5.20.0 Build 15.1 I/F 12 is newest supported stage pci_lpost_Q: Init all L1 I/O boards under -Q... stage cpu_lpost_II_Q: CPU L1 domain/system init under -Q... stage final_config: Final configuration... Creating CPU SRAM handoff structures... Creating GDCD IOSRAM handoff structures in Slot IO6... Writing domain information to PCD... Key to resource status value codes: ?=Unknown p=Present c=Crunched _=Undefined m=Missing i=Misconfig o=FailedOBP f=Failed b=Blacklisted r=Redlisted x=NotInDomain u=G,unconfig P=Passed ==G,lockstep l=NoLicense e=EmptyCasstt CPU_Brds: PortCore 3 2 1 0 Mem P/B: 3/1 3/0 2/1 2/0 1/1 1/0 0/1 0/0 Slot Gen 10101010 /L: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 CDC SB06: P PPPPPPPP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP P I/O_Brds: IOC P1/Bus/Adapt IOC P0/Bus/Adapt Slot Gen Type P1 B1/10 B0/10 P0 B1/eb10 B0/10 (e=ENet, b=BBC) IO06: P hsPCI+ P p _p p _p P p PP_e p _p Configured in 333 with 4 procs, 32.000 GBytes, 3 IO adapters. Interconnect frequency is 149.987 MHz, Measured. Golden sram is on Slot IO6. POST (level=32, verbose=20) execution time 9:47
Thus the board is replaced and reconfigured to new domain in live.
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